The present meets the future

Fostering change: The present meets the future

What positive contribution can functioning urban districts make to solving the major issues of our time and to our ever more crowded cities?

ZS inspires and accompanies change by striving for carbon-neutral neighbourhoods and by making available the alternatives necessary for inner-city mobility. With integrated offers for an ever-changing understanding of health – and not just in relation to our ageing society. Through solutions to new ways of working – whether working from home, on the go or based on completely new structures. As well as establishing a new interpersonal communal culture which is becoming increasingly necessary due to growing anonymity and digitalisation.

When visions become concepts

Anticipating needs: When visions become concepts

Megatrends help to make major social changes tangible, to understand upheavals and to think ahead about future scenarios. Based on the defining megatrends of our time, ZS anticipates the needs that will become even more relevant for people in the future. These findings are channelled into the holistic conception of visionary city districts.



Berlin continues to grow. To remain attractive in the competition between cities, urgently needed living space must be created. Responsibly, sustainably and together.



ZS builds networked districts that enable daily shopping on foot, which are ideally connected to local public transport and which redefine individual transport based on models of sharing with electric and hydrogen-driven vehicles.

Communal culture

Communal culture

The community as a microcosm creating identity in the anonymous big city: by sharing facilities and encouraging encounters and exchanges, residents' happiness and cohesion increases.

CO2 Neutral

CO2 Neutral

Low CO2 concrete, reduced emissions through building modules in industrial pre-production, energy-plus buildings, cradle-to-cradle concepts, waste avoidance, CO2-free mobility, AI technologies, member of the DGNB and much more: ZS sets standards on the way to a pollution-free neighbourhood.

Ageing society

Ageing society

The life cycle concept from ZS creates districts for all stages of life and offers housing for people well into old age who want to stay healthy for longer and enjoy their retirement with more vitality.



Outdoor gyms, urban gardening, biophilic design, nutritional coaching for children or the use of healthy building materials focus on people's increasing health needs and increase their resilience.



Anyone who uses the district's facilities to work from home - in co-working areas, start-up spaces or as a businessperson based here - saves time, money and CO2 by eliminating travel to work.



Digitalisation to simplify all areas of life, e.g. with apps to help residents organise themselves or to make sharing offers available, but also to optimise entire planning and construction processes.